
Need help with an order you placed?

To change or cancel your order, or for questions about products, please contact the vendor who sold the product. Find their contact info on your receipt and at farmnivorous.com/theirnamenospaces.

Good, hard-working people make mistakes. For concerns over quality, ultimately the vendor controls refunds and is the best place to share your concerns first. If you and the vendor cannot agree on a satisfactory and fair resolution, the farmnivorous team would like to know. Read more in our Terms of Use.

The farmnivorous project itself does not sell any of the products you see listed and does not provide delivery services. We are creating an online community for local shopping direct from farmers and makers.

If you are having technical problems, we want to hear from you. But first...

Please open a private (or "incognito" on chrome) window in your browser and see if you experience the same problem. If you don't, it's likely a caching issue on your device which you can fix by clearing your cache.

If the issue continues in a private window, please send us an email and describe what is happening with as much clarity as possible.